Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring Break Quotables

As pretty much everyone knows, I have been on Spring Break these past few weeks. In short: I have been on a literary trip in England, and toured both London and Paris thoroughly with my mother and sister. In that time, I have also seen two amazing musicals--Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables. I must admit that I am not really in the mood to recap everything that has happened. So, in lieu of a complete spring break post, I have borrowed an idea from my sister Michele's blog and have composed what I call "Spring Break Quotables".

So--without further ado:

(walking to the Jane Austen House Museum)
Jessica: This is it!
Me: This is it?
Jess: No, not that.

(repeated line)
Mom: I brought (insert item here), but it's in my suitcase. (the arrival of her luggage was delayed by 24 hours)

Me: I'm sitting on my scarf and it's stranglng me!
Mom: Jess, cancel one of those plane tickets.

Jess: (in answer to the previous) I'll write you a eulogy but you'll have to write your own epitaph.
Me: How can I write my own epitaph if I'm dead? I won't know how or when I actually died.
Jess: Make it a fill-in-the-blank, like a Mab Lib.

Jess: Don't worry, Jenn. I'll write your eulogy. "She lived, she died, let's eat."

(repeated line)
Me and/or Jess: When are you leaving again, Mom?

Mom: (teasing me about a frilly pink dress): I can just see Jenn wearing that one.
Me: (in rebuttal) Sure, maybe in my nightmares. Luckily, I usually wake up from those. 'Course, there are mornings when I wake up and you're still there.

Mom: What would you do if I pushed you into the street?
Jess: Um...die.

(On Easter)
Jess: I could have sworn I grabbed a hard-boiled egg.
Mom: Hehe.
Me: She hid it.
Mom: Happy Easter!

Mom: (about an ice cream cone bought on the Champs-Elysees in France) This is really good Vanilla. I think its French Vanilla.
(You think?)

Me: Look at that pidgeon. It looks really bedraggled.
Jess: It looks like it drowned in a toilet.

Mom: (typing to my friend Sarah about Jess and me) They are brats, so they can't use the computer.
Sarah: (in reply) Oh, hi Debbie.

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