Monday, January 26, 2009

Five Days and Counting

As promised, here is the first of my countdown posts. Tomorrow is the day that Jess is supposed to leave for England, and at the moment we're both in our room. She is packing and I am taking turns reading and typing. In the background is the sound of the Broadway soundtrack of The Little Mermaid. Unexpectedly, this CD has become one of the most listened-to CDs over the past few weeks. I think that this is probably because it is familiar with the traditional Disney songs, but with several additions that are simultaneously hilarious and powerful.

Today was rather uneventful, as usual. Jess and I did visit several teachers at Romulus High School, our old school. We visited with some of our favorite teachers, including three of the four English teachers--Mrs. Williams, Ms. Sterling (now Mrs. Hanes) and Mrs. Kessler. We also saw Mrs. Pagel, who was our AP Government teacher and class advisor. It was even more fun than I expected. We caught up on a lot of things, though it seemed like I was always answering the same questions over and over. Sadly, a few teachers who we had hoped to see had left before we could visit, but oh well.

And now I am simply sitting on my bed listening to Jess pack and occasionally offering advice. In the meantime, I am also waiting for some of my college friends to get online in order for us to talk via Skype--which I must admit I have become addicted to in the short time since I have downloaded it. I honestly don't think that I will have any trouble keeping up with my friends and family while in France; we speak online now even when we're in the same room!

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